Debt Recovery and Bankruptcy Law

As Han & Partners Law Firm, we are based in Istanbul and follow up the execution and bankruptcy law transactions and lawsuits of our clients, both in exchange for promissory notes and collection of receivables without promissory notes, attachment, pledge, mortgage, etc.
We provide legal consultancy and advocacy services to companies and individuals as an execution lawyer in the fields of execution proceedings, representation of debtors and creditors, participation in meetings, execution proceedings.
Hukuk büromuz İcra ve İflas Hukukundan kaynaklanan uyuşmazlıklarınızı, müvekkilimizin talepleri ve ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda hukuksal yollara başvurmadan önce alternatif uyuşmazlık çözüm yöntemleriyle çözüme kavuşturma imkanını da müvekkillerimize sunmaktadır.
İlamsız takip işlemlerinin yanı sıra ilamların(mahkeme kararlarının) icrası, kira ve diğer alacakların takibi, tahsili, kiracının tahliyesi vb.
icra işlemleri konularında da hizmet vermekteyiz.
Hukuk Büromuz tarafından İcra Hukuku alanında müvekkillerimize sunduğumuz hizmetlerden bazıları şu şekildedir:

  • Debt collection,
  • Preparation and follow-up of enforcement proceedings based on bills of exchange (bonds, checks, policies) with or without writ of execution,
  • Realization of objection procedures to execution proceedings filed against them,
  • Enforcement proceedings and collection of site and apartment building dues receivables and rent receivables,
  • Realization of precautionary injunction and precautionary attachment procedures,
  • Objection and cancellation of objection cases, removal of objection cases,
  • Bad check cases,
  • Bankruptcy cases, postponement of bankruptcy cases,
  • Cancellation of tender cases,
  • reclamation actions and negative declaration actions,
  • Cancellation of savings cases,
  • Enforcement criminal cases,
  • Registration of receivables in the bankruptcy estate,
  • Follow-up and collection of alimony receivables and filing and follow-up of cases falling within the jurisdiction of the enforcement court,

As Han & Partners Law Office, we provide legal counseling and legal consultancy services in the field of Execution and Bankruptcy Law for your follow-up, litigation and transactions.
You can get legal consultancy and attorney services by contacting our office.